Art and Innovation in the Australian and French ecosystems event
Sydney - 14/10/2024
That's a wrap!
We kicked off a very special week with our event on Art and Innovation last night, aside from SXSW Sydney.
After receiving a warm welcome from our host Christopher Kirk at Stone & Chalk, David Gordon shared the work of Create NSW.
Our esteemed Ambassador Pierre-Andre Imbert then promoted the friendship between France 🇫🇷 and Australia 🇦🇺 in the creative industries.
Our event started with some fantastic pitches from:
👉 4 French startups Natalia Cherginskaya-Peters (Iconem), Arnaud Doucet (Anima Lux), Anne-Christine Bailly (Atoflow) Adeline FRADET (VR Boxing) visiting Australia as part of a Creative and Cultural Industries delegation led by Business France Australia.
👉 4 Australian startups: Natalie Kradolfer (Amplify Music Education), Rose N. (Minimis Technologies), Andy Wilson (Melodie Music), and Michelle ‘Mish’ Sparks (Mod), all supported by Investment NSW.
The night continued with:
👉 A panel discussion with thought leaders Edward Fong (Ubisoft), Kara Hinesley (Canva) and Brett Cameron (Moment Factory), moderated by Fernando Guerra Alves (Business France Australia) to dicuss the Future of Art in the Digital Age, the emerging trends and opportunities for startups and how AI is contributing to enhance creativity. To quote one of our panelist Kara Hinesley ‘in a rapidly moving landscape, hashtag#AI ought to be an instrument rather than the composer’.
👉 The closing remarks from Helene Baron, co-president of La French Tech Australia.
Thank you to our sponsors Stone & Chalk, Business France Australia, Investment NSW, and Team, Helene Baron, Renald Gallis, Quentin Dequiret, Justin Deeley, Lorraine Nicolas, Julie Macey and all our volunteers at La French Tech Australia.
Of course to all our guests, we look forward to seeing you all soon at our next event! 🚀
> Watch the video